Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunflower Seed Tributes for Ai Weiwei

It's been over a month since the disappearance of Ai Weiwei, and on this day with the opening of Ai's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads in New York City, it seemed fitting to showcase some of the other "sunflower seed tributes".

@platea member Jonny Gray posted some of his images in a previous post. In addition to Jonny, An Xiao and I have also been posting images and keeping track of the hours lost. The jars are getting full.

An Xiao
May 4, 2011, 8:04am. It's been 744 hours since @aiww and, later four associates disappeared.
An's images to-date can be seen here.

Joanie Gagnon San Chirico
April 26, 2011, 3:04pm NY. It's been 571 hours since @aiww disappeared. More associates now missing.
Joanie's images to-date can be seen here.

Others participating:

André Holthe (@houan)
April 28, 2011, 8:04am. It's been 600 hours since @aiww disappeared, and, later four associates disappeared.
AndrĂ©'s images to-date can be seen here.

Laura Vermeeren (@lauravermeeren)
382 Sunflower Seeds, 382 Hours
Laura's images to-date can be seen here.

Maritza Ruiz Kim is keeping track of days on her blog.

A running clock of Mr. Ai's detention has been keeping time at

NYC Mayor Bloomberg stated at the dedication, "Today we stand up for those lacking in the most basic human right: free expression." as reports are coming out of Li Xiongbing,  yet another human rights lawyer, having disappeared.

Even with the momentous events of this week, we should not forget. If you are participating in some way, and I've missed you, please add your url to the comments in this post.

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